Like many people, you may think that the number one enemy of your weight loss is fat ! You might have tried to deprive yourself of it, but your body, unfortunate, craves for sugar … and there … you wouldn’t be able to resist the temptation!
Let’s annihilate this popular belief :
Fat can be good!
Fat is better than sugar. However, (and yes, there is a “however”) there are several types of fat! Some are good for you, and some are not.
In the portrait of 63-year-old model Yasmina Rossi, she confides to eating 1 avocado a day! It is one of the fattest fruits, 360 calories per unit, 25% fat. This is not surprising because it only contains good fat, ensuring a good function of the vital organs, giving beautiful skin and hair!
During your DETOX tea cure, we advise you to remove all bad fats and generously consume good fat. Here’s why and how to do it !
The 3 major families of fats
Knowing how to distinguish and choose them has a considerable impact on your health and diet.
Lipids are in fact composed of varied molecules, including fatty acids. There are three main families:

unsaturated fats : simply good and necessary. Essential because our body can not create them, polyunsaturated acids, also called omega-3 and omega-6, must be brought by the diet.
They are found particularly in: Oils such as olive, corn, soy or sunflower, rich in omega-6… Fatty fish, such as salmon, mackerel, sardines and herrings, the main sources of omega-3. Nuts of all types, which are known for their beneficial effects on cardio-vascular function, cholesterol, hypertension, memory, and also the prevention of breast and prostate cancer. However, they are not essential to the extent that our body can synthesize them. Sources of omega-9 are present in avocado, olive oil, peanut and soy, and also in oleaginous fruits, such as almonds and cashews.
Did you know ?
Eating half a handful of nuts each day would reduce the risk of premature mortality by 23%. / Study of the University of Maastricht

saturated fats : they are singled out because they favor the “bad cholesterol” that is deposited in the arteries, preventing the blood from circulating well.
To limit : Fat meat, such as lamb or mutton, and also cold cuts. Cheese, butter, cream and milk. Pastries, chocolate bars, biscuits. Also vegetable oils, such as coconut and palm, whose cultivation is also criticized (destroying forests).
It is therefore a question of combating the desires to nibble between the meals as much as possible!

trans fats : the great irony is that they are present in industrial foods, and manufacturers don’t want you to know that you are buying health problems along with their product. The come from a chemical process known as “hydrogenation” which involves passing cheap liquid oils in the solid state. Beyond increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease, breast cancer and bad cholesterol levels in the blood, trans fatty acids reduce good cholesterol in the body.
Here are 10 most unhealthy industrial foods, dangerous for your health, and yet much healthier when they are home-made (to be meditated): cakes, pies and cookies (especially with frosting), biscuits, breakfast sandwiches, margarine, crackers, microwave popcorn, cream-filled candies, doughnuts, fried fast foods, frozen pizzas…
In conclusion, to optimize your detox, it is essential to no longer introduce bad things into your body. To lose weight, it’s not about eating less, but about eating better. With a little effort, you can decide on how to improve the dishes you like by replacing the oil with a better one for example, by preferring a fish or chicken rather than a red meat, by spreading avocado on your toast rather than butter … It’s easier than you imagine!
Simply replacing bad fats with good fats is the best decision you can make for your health, and for your beauty!
Source : Harvard Medical School, Cleveland Clinic
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