10 amazing health benefits of honey

honey benefits skin wounds scar antiseptic the potion tree

The benefits of honey are numerous. Honey, also referred as the nectar of gods, a symbol of sweetness, love, happiness and longevity, does not only taste good but has wonderful healing goodness.

 Read : Honey, a treasure since the dawn of time

There are many therapeutic virtues of honey.

Honey is so amazing, that when we use it in our Honey Lip balm , we don’t need to add preservative; honey is the best natural antiseptic and preservative.

Ensure to always have honey in your home. Its anti-microbial properties makes honey a natural antibiotic that contains many nutrients, vitamins, minerals and trace elements to cure colds, heal small wounds and comforts us before bedtime.

Discover the 10 virtues of honey to know, you will not be able to do without it!

honey benefits the potion tree

1. Honey strengthens the immune system

Honey has anti-bacterial properties and prevents bacteria from becoming fixed and proliferating. Take a spoon of honey with each meal, in your yoghurt or with tea when you are sick. This natural antibiotic will help your body to fight against bacteria.

2. Honey moisturizes

Revitalise your skin by mixing 2 tablespoons of honey with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and apply to your body when taking a bath while your pores are wide open.

This will prevent dryness and moisturize your skin. Honey benefits the skin.

honey benefits the potion tree


3. Honey improves athletic performance

Before a marathon, honey is included in the sports breakfast. It increases the intake of glucose, which allows the body to make a longer and intense physical effort. It is also good for horses, during equine competitions.

4. Honey to cure a hangover

To relief a headache due to high alcohol consumption the day before, add 2 tablespoons of honey in your herbal tea.

This will eliminate the toxins of alcohol and will relieve your headache.

honey benefits the potion tree

5. Honey helps with healing

If you have a burn wound or laceration, ensure the affected area is clean (rinsed with water).

The natural anti-bacterial and antiseptic attributes of honey will heal the skin faster and relieve the pain of the burn wound or laceration.

6. Honey helps us fight against insomnia

Drink herbal tea with orange honey, linden honey or clover honey before bedtime and you’ll sleep like a baby all night long. Honey has sedative properties that allow you to fall asleep faster.

7. Honey lowers bad cholesterol

Honey is less caloric than white sugar (320 calories compared to 420 calories per 100 g of white sugar). It would lower the rate of “bad” cholesterol while increasing the rate of “good” cholesterol (link to study). Take 2 tablespoons of honey, 3 teaspoons of cinnamon and mix in half a litre of tea.

8. Honey makes digestion easier

Honey works wonders to avoid problems with indigestion, constipation or stomach pain. To improve your digestive system. Add 2-3 teaspoons of honey in your herbal tea after you ate a big meal.

honey benefits the potion tree

9. Honey benefits the skin

You can use honey to moisturize the lips, to treat acne, to have a luminous complexion. It softens, moisturizes, nourishes, regenerates, protects, so do not hesitate to use it.

10. Honey soothes a cough

To soothe a cough, take a teaspoon of honey 30 minutes before bedtime.

For a perfect cough syrup, mix 5 tablespoons of honey with the juice of a lemon. Before going to bed or when required, take 1 teaspoon of this mixture to ease your cough.

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